Welcome to

St. Ansgar

Location: South of the girls softball field along the walking trail.
The Community Garden is a public garden. any resident of St. Ansgar is encouraged to take what they can use, but be sure the produce is ready. Some of the produce you will find are cabbage, zucchini, carrots, green beans, beets, watermelon, cantaloupe, sweet corn, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoe plants and several types of pumpkins.
Contact people:
Emmett Tyler
Jack Miller
Lisa Patterson
The St. Ansgar Garden Club held ground breaking cermonies for this garden in April, 2002. The land was provided by the city of St. Ansgar and the St. Ansgar American Legion presented the flag for garden. Garden Club members designed and established the gardens. The purpose of these gardens were to teach children the love of planting, nourishing and tending to their crops. Today the gardens are under the direction and financial support of the St. Ansgar Park, Beautification and Recreation Board. Volunteers help with the planting, weeding and tending to the beautiful gardens.
Contact people: Karen Robertson & Barb Groth