Welcome to

St. Ansgar
St. Ansgar Community Chamber
Around St. Ansgar
Every Second Monday 7:00PM
City Council Meeting
St. Ansgar City Hall
St. Ansgar Community Chamber Monthly Meetings
Third Tuesday of each month.
8:00 am
Held at the South Square
Public welcome to attend these meetings.
Every Thursday 4-5:30PM
Farmers Market
Clausen Park
June thru September.
Start date June 4, 2020

Every Thursday 7:30-9:30AM
Free-will breakfast
St. Ansgar
United Methodist Church
Starting the 1st Thursday in September
*Sign up for Mitchell County Alerts* www.mitchellcoia.us/notices/mitchell-county-notificationsystem, or call 641-732-5872

St. Ansgar Questions
Make sure to follow the St. Ansgar Questions facebook page. This is a group to get information out to people in town. Feel free to ask questions, post things having to do with St. Ansgar! We are stronger with numbers so invite your friends and neighbors to join, too! '